Choosing a healthy lifestyle

Regular exercise is a key component of good health. Sure, with the pressures of modern day living it can be difficult to take the time out to engage in physical activity, but exercise helps your mind and body in so many ways. Not only can it help you to lose weight and tone muscle, but it can also increase your energy levels and release endorphins and other “feel-good” chemicals that can help stabilise and even improve your mood.

Strength and weight-bearing exercises such as running, jumping and walking can even help to stave off osteoporosis (weakening of the bones). Regular physical activity also makes it more likely that you will avoid diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Of course, for those who already have these diseases, they will no doubt be easier to manage going forward if exercise is made a routine part of life. Holistic Health

Of course, before starting any exercise programme, it is important to check with your physician.

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